Dressing in a Lockdown

With nowhere to go and nobody to see, our uneventful days can seem long, arduous and quite frankly, a little insufferable. The subject of fashion and clothes can seem a superfluous part of our current daily routine to some, especially with so many issues circulating society nowadays, however, it's important to acknowledge how the seemingly little things in life can have profound impact on our days and on ourselves. While it's crucial to keep informed about the sad realities of today's lockdown lifestyle and remain sensitive to the problems that are going on around us, we also have to place importance on how we feel about ourselves and subsequently, what we can do to boost our mood and make the blurry days feel that bit less mundane. 

For me personally, the way I dress is a very symbolic affair. I use my wardrobe as a means of representing who I am and fashion is therefore, to me, very, very significant. As a student in lockdown currently in-between semesters with one open-book exam looming, the only journeys I'm making are between my bedroom, the bathroom and the kitchen. I'll venture into the living room if I'm feeling rather adventurous that day. So, with an empty calendar and a full wardrobe, I often find myself having internal debates about whether I should put these clothes to some use. The outcome? Tracksuit and a hoodie. That seems like a good compromise.

Whilst the majority of my very being is exasperated by the monotony that is alternating tracksuits day in day out, there's also a part of me that is enjoying the casual lifestyle. On a positive note, I constantly feel cosy and comfortable and I don't have any pressures to ensure my clothes are wrinkle-free or that they even match (my internal - and external -  fashionista is crying). However, it feels incredibly against my nature and due to fashion being a very important outlet for me, I want to continue dressing to make myself feel as good as possible. Just because there's nowhere to go doesn't mean we have to forfeit feeling good about ourselves.

I thought I'd put together a little list of ways that we can all strive to re-inject some fun and pleasure back into making fashion choices. I hope it can be the impetus that you need to escape the tracksuit routine and feel as best as you can during this time.

1. Try trousers. Instead of reaching out for the same leggings or tracksuit bottoms, try opting for some loose-fitting or wide-legged trousers that will still offer similar levels of comfort but foray into a more trendy style. 

2. Wear a matching tracksuit set. If you genuinely couldn't bear the thought of parting with tracksuits, try putting on a matching set. Even though you're not really changing the garment, you will naturally look  and feel more put-together if it constitutes a set. Try a bold colour if you're feeling extra kooky.

3. Choose roll-necks. Rather than chucking your trusty baggy hoodie on, you could slink into a roll-neck. Whether it's a tight-fitting, thin top or a chunky jumper, these styles immediately look more chic and fashionable than a hoodie would do (but hoodies are still a fabulous invention). If you wear a thinner one, you could even throw a chunky cardigan over the top and be a real trend enthusiast as cardigans are having a real moment right now.

4. Invest in loungewear. Brands have adapted their lines to current lifestyle patterns, meaning that there are much more comfy yet fashionable options to choose from when buying clothes. Most often, these come in the form of coords and the beauty of these is that they're loose-fitting whilst looking like a genuine outfit that you could style up to wear out and about! They're also great as you can do a little experimenting with mixing and matching the separates with other clothes to create a multitude of different outfits rather than just having one sole style to wear. Boux Avenue do some beautifully soft loungewear, but if you're looking to support smaller brands, Nu-In, WeAreThought and Organic Basics have some more sustainable choices.

5. Do your hair! Now I know how tempting it is to pile your hair into a bun and give it no TLC whatsoever, but if you tried something a little different, you could feel drastically more put-together. Whether it be adding in some braids or even just adding a hairband and leaving it at that, you'll really feel as though you've added a little something extra to your outfit. 

6. Wear colours! I don't know about you but I find it so tempting to just choose black or other dark colour clothes. There absolutely isn't anything wrong with that at all, particularly if you feel good and more confident when you wear darker colours. However, if you find yourself getting bored and feeling uninspired, injecting some colour can be a good way to liven up what you're wearing. Whether it be a full our brightly coloured jumper or even just a bold scrunchie, that little pop of colour can make a significant difference.

7. Lastly, put on whatever you feel most happy in that day. If you having a day where all you want to do is shove on your trusty tracksuit or better yet, if you don't even want to get out of your pyjamas at all, that's totally fine. There shouldn't be any pressure to feel as though you have to make more of an effort if you genuinely just don't want to. The most crucial thing about dressing during a lockdown is that you feel happy and comfortable within yourself. if a tracksuit gives you that, fine. If a dress and tights gives you that, also fine. Just ensure you're helping yourself to feel as uplifted as you can possible do that day, whatever that looks like, that's totally your call. 


  1. Wow, cool post. I'd like to write like this too - taking time and real hard work to make a great article... but I put things off too much and never seem to get started. Thanks though. leggings United Kingdom


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